Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Man...Bleep Decaf...

Decaffeinated coffee...what is it's purpose? Seriously, what is the point of consuming something which doesn't achieve the results originally intended for it. Why would I buy O'Douls? Man there's only one reason to drink alcohol and that's to get drunk. If you're at the club and you buy just one or two drinks, you're an idiot in my book. If you would've just gotten some water it would've been cheaper and you wouldn't be so thirsty now. But I digress.

In my office, the only can of coffee they serve is decaf. Why? If I'm sluggish and need a pick-me-up, what is decaf gonna do? Nothing. While I'm at it, why don't I just go out and buy a car that looks good, but doesn't run.

It is seriously time for the U.S. to come out of Iraq. I always thought it was the wrong move to go from the jump, but I thought that after we got there, we needed to finish what we started. What the hell did we start though? We say that they're better off with Saddam out of power (probably true) and we've given them freedom. However, I don't think the Iraqi people ever had to be searched by troops just because they wanted to walk to the store.

Congress just approved a bill to send $82 billion to fight the war in Iraq which pushes the total to over $300 billion. Now, the folks in power can't even give us a straight answer for why we went over there from the jump.

This administration is inept at every single thing they've done. Besides about 20 countries, the world hates us, the economy is terrible (People with 2 Masters applying for jobs usually done by people with associates), his giving tax breaks to the WRONG people, he's giving temporary citizenship status to illegal aliens so they can give cheap labor to his big business buddies and he's willfully allowing other companies to dump their American workers, operate overseas and still do business in America.

There's just no words to describe this man. $300 billion for a wrong war, but Social Security is in trouble right.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

It's all the rage

You know everytime I get in my car, some other driver pisses me off. They do something really simple like getting over without signaling or putting on the breaks for no apparent reason. But aren't those really small things to get upset over.

You ever notice how much of a jerk you are, especially if you live in a big city, when you're driving on the road. You get upset at people for driving the speed limit. You get mad a people who aren't going as fast as you are in the left lane (Let somebody only be driving 65 in the left lane on the Beltway). Also, you don't let people get over in traffic.

That last part gets me. Really, why do we do that? It's not like we're going the same place. Do we really need to be where we're going faster than the other person needs to be where he/she is going? Is there a prize waiting when we get there? Everybody just calm down on the road.

My birthday is in 26 days and I'm not excited about it at all. Maybe it's me getting older, but I just think that's weird. Everybody does something or celebrates in some way on their B-day, but I'm just not feeling it. Maybe as it draws closer I'll want to do something, but right now, all I want to do is be by myself. I guess I'm still feeling a little bit out of it.

This Sunday is Mother's Day and it's probably the roughest day of the year for me. My mother passed away 2 and a half years ago. It's really not fun for me to go out and watching other people enjoy that day with their mothers and I can't do it. So if everybody who reads this just say a prayer for my family and my mother, I'd appreciate it.