Over the Line
So I never could understand why the Western world insisted on sucking of Israel time after time. I guess it was because everybody felt sorry about the Holocaust (It WAS f-ed up). However, I believe our Jewish friends are taking the West's benevolence for granted and showing it's true colors as a violent and sometimes tyrannical state.
I completely understand their anger over Hezbollah kidnapping two Israeli soldiers, but is it worth THIS. Your "WMD" is the kidnapping of two soldiers? That's NUTS to me. How is this even allowed? Before we went into Afghanistan to fight Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, they had to kill thousands of people on AMERICAN soil.
Now innocent people, both Israeli and Lebanese, are being killed, injured and displaced because Israel wants to "beat back" an Islamic-militant group. I'm sorry, but it's hard for me to see who's good in this situation.
Now to our friends in Pyongyang. What are they so mad at? Do you really have to buck at the entire World? As much as people are upset with the U.S. government, it's actually right on this occasion. North Korea this is one you CAN'T win.
I'd HATE to see this turn into a war because millions of people would die. A war along the DMZ would get ugly in a hurry. Add in the fact that Japan is not that far away and we got some serious issues.
Sooner or later, China and Russia is going to wash their hands of of ole Kim Jung-IL and his either going to have to piss or get off the pot. I think he should get off the pot because if he pisses than the whole world is going to take a big shit on him.