Ok...It's Over...Now Come Getcha Signs
THANK YOU JESUS. The election is over so now I need for all the winners and losers to do me a few favors.
Come pick your signs up. They're everywhere. In people's front yards, in the entrances of housing developments, on the median in the road, on the side of the road. It just looks horrible and I'm going to need for you to clean that up.
Stop calling my house. Look an automated message from you is not going to make me vote for you. Chances are, you calling is not going to make me vote for you. Where you stand on the issues and your record is going to make me vote for you.
Get out of my way when I'm trying to go to work. You and your campaign workers are holding up traffic and blocking my entrance into the metro station handing out flyers and pamphlets. I'm already grouchy in the morning and you aren't making it any better.
Last thing I want you to do is DO YOUR JOB. You are an elected official put in office to do whats right for the people. I don't want to see you taking money from special interests groups or smiling at photo ops. I want you to get things done.
On to some much much much better election news. Many of my loyal readers may remember last year after Hurricane Katrina hit, my homie Silas wrote a very funny piece about the hurricane (it was in good taste). Well Silas ran for Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner for his Ward in DC and won. There's a link to his block on the right of this page and you all can go over and leave messages of congradulations for him.