Great Moments in ECU History pt 1: "Where the Hoes at?"
In what will be a recurring role on this blog, I will be going back in time and giving the world a view into my collegiate experience at both East Carolina and Towson. We begin with ECU.
Those of us with color in our skin know that there are certain types of nightclubs we attend. Those would be "urban" clubs where most of the clientele is of color. Well in Greenville, NC, where East Carolina is located, those clubs were far away from campus and not necessarily safe for the college students. So, we had to improvise.
Now the clubs weren't bad, it was just more white folks than black folks ("If there's grass on the field, play ball"). It was a club called Cabana's that used to be the spot on most Fridays and Saturdays.
Everytime I went I saw this dude in there. He was black and I know he was an ECU student because I saw him on campus going to class all the time. He was always there though or at least it seemed that way because it wasn't that many black folks in the club. However, I remember this guy for one special reason. Everytime I saw him, he'd go out of his way to dap me up and ask me in his very preppy voice, "Dude, Where the Hoes at?"
I always responded with a laugh because it seemed to be the only thing he could say and then I'd go "Man, I don't know." This man became legendary for his hawaiian and dragon button ups with the bush that just stayed the same length for 2 semesters in the club. To this day, I never knew what his real name was, but if you ask any of my folks about "Where the Hoes at?" and they'll know exactly who you're talking about.
So here's to "Where the Hoes at?" for helping to make my ECU weekends great. And I still don't know where they are either homie.