Thursday, March 30, 2006

Make a Run for the Border I've been thinking about the immigration hubub lately and of course I have my opinion on it. I think this is what happens when there irresponsible capitalism. For someone who wants to rally America, this bill is want of the most un-American bill I've ever seen.

Now, I understand that these positions that these "temporary residents" would be filling are positions that no one else wants to do. That's only because they're positions that aren't compensated as they should be. Is this really about the economy or about big businesses continuing to turn their profit. There are models where you can turn a profit and still compensate your employees accordingly. Ben & Jerry's is just one company for instance.

If they pass this bill, who's to say they'll just stop at the positions nobody wants? What about other type blue-collar positions that pay decent money? You know that if companies can get way with paying someone half the money than they already have to pay someone else, then they're going to do it. This is the government which pretty much let Enron execs get away with stealing BILLIONS of dollars from its employees. Don't put anything past them.

On the flip side. There's another sect of Congress that wants to make helping illegal immigrants a felony and that's just wrong. Is it really that serious?

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

It's Been a Long Time...

I shouldn'ta left you...Without dope blog to step to...sike naw let me stop playing.

After the college basketballa-thon, we're back to talking about regular everyday things. Since I have talked about a lot hear lately, this blog will be filled with randomness. Here we go:

The Hispanics are further letting me know how black folks are at the point of no return. They are showing a very impressive display of unity in demonstrating about the immigration bill. They didn't need a year to plan and get maybe a million people to DC. They're doing this by the thousands in every city. You can't get black people in DC to mobilize about losing their homes and look what our neighbors to the south are doing.

It's been a long time since I've gone out to the club, bar or something of that sort. The thing about it is I don't think I missing anything.

We all plainly know now what I was saying five years ago: Shawne Merriman > Ahmad Brooks.

So there's a song out called "I'm in Love with a Stripper." Apparently it's been getting major radio play. Despite the fact that NOBODY with a shred of common sense would fall in love with a stripper, people actually like that crap. Why not...if some Go-Go band can make a song out of Dora the Explorer (true story) than anything is possible.

Apparently, Toni Kukoc is STILL in the NBA.

I watched "03 Seconds from Gold," the story of the 1972 Olympic basketball final, and it's clear to me that under no circumstance were they going to let that game end without the Soviet Union winning. I.E. somebody owes the United States Olympic Committee 12 gold medals instead of the silvers they keep trying to give the USOC.

That's it for now, but I got A LOT to talk about.