Sunday, June 25, 2006

One Pound Too Many

This is a plea to the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and the International Olympic Committee: Dr. Richard Pound needs to be relieved of his duties. As head of WADA and Vice President of the IOC, Dr. Pound has time-and-time again abused his power to attack American athletes.

He wants any American athlete who's takien a teaspoon a Robitussin when they 11-years-old to be suspended. He continues to slander athletes in the media, with no consequence because of his position, and it's not right. You would think someone in his position would wait until due process had been done before commenting. While Dr. Pound may have his opinions, as we all do, he needs to keep them to himself because the two organizations he's in work on facts.

Facts: Neither Lance Armstrong or Marion Jones have ever failed a drug test. WADA couldn't find enough substantial evidence to find Marion Jones guilty, but its still on your witchhunt.

As is the case with Lance Armstrong. A French newspaper, which happens to hate Lance as much Dr. Pound, prints a story saying 1999 urine samples from Lance tested positive for a banned substance. An independent investigator was hired to look into the matter, but when their findings were that Lance had done nothing wrong you dismissed it as if the investigation was done by a bunch of monkeys.

Now we get to Zach Lund, a skeleton athlete who was taking medication for hair loss. There was something in the medication that caused him to test positive for a banned substance. Everyone on planet Earth knew that he wasn't cheating and that he was gaining no advantage from the substance. The U.S. anti-doping agency and skeleton's governing body saw it fit that he be issued a public warning and told not to use the medication again. Dr. Pound on the other hand sought a two-year suspension and got a one-year suspension even admitting that WADA knew he wasn't cheating. Took this man's Olympics away because of your own inferiority complex.

This real is what Tony Kornheiser would call a "gots-ta-go" situation. I know Dr. Pound likes to go by his nickname, Dick. I reall wish the man didn't have to be one though.


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