Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Halloween Havoc (continued)

Saturday...Todd, white dude who lived across the hall, had some of his friends come down to visit from VA and asked me and my roommate what was going on. My roommate told us that one of his friends (who later died that school year in car accident...RIP) was having a big party at her house and that she would go get our drinks as long as we gave her the money. Cool.

So my roommate's friend had already gotten the drinks and we just reimbursed her when we got there. Todd's friends were cool and were just having a good time. One of Todd's friends, the young lady who's car we rode in, took quite an interest in my roommate. She was attractive too. He was very frustrated about his luck with the ladies so we were both quite happy for him this night.

It's all kinds of people there including Aycock Hall's official whore. I don't remember the girls name but she was open the gate of a runaway dog. There's music playing and she comes over to me drunk as hell and says "George c'mon I know you're the only other person here besides me with rhythm...let's dance." Under normal circumstances I would've really hurt her feelings, but I was on beer #4 of my six-pack and I was a lightweight. I was up for it.

I danced with this broad and then finished up my last two beers. This was by far my record for drinking. This was by far the drunkest I'd ever been. Probably the first time I was ever drunk...

Later I'm outside, because it was hot inside and Brian (my roommate) asks if I'm okay. I'm like yeah. Asks if I felt like I needed to throw-up and I'm like "No...I'm fine." It was time to go.

Now really, nobody should have left that house because none of us were in any condition to drive. Brian was the least drunkest so he got the nod. Brian takes the wheel and starts swerving, speeding and making sharp turns. All of a sudden...I DO have to throw up.

"Brian...I think I have to throw up"

Brian rolls the window down in the nick of time because as soon as the window went down the peaches and cream oatmeal I ate went out...right in front of two Greenville police officers and all on the side of this poor girl's car. Luckily, it was so many real crimes going on that night that 5.0 decided not to roll up on us and home girl was cool about her car.

We get back to the room and Brian is about to tap homegirl. I'm trying to sleep, but Brian pulls down the broad's panties and I could smell her snatch on the other side of the room. Smelled so bad I had to call this man out by his name "BRIAN" because the way that smelled...whatever she had might eaten through the rubber. Brian answered back with a very disappointed "I Know."

Check back later for Sunday's action...and me with no camera.


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