Wednesday, July 06, 2005

I don't want to see that...

Ok, so I work at a high-end fitness facility right. Most of our members are white. So whenever I go to the locker room to use the bathroom or something, why do the old white guys have to be in there having a full conversation...NAKED. I mean come on now, have you no shame. Then these idiots have the nerve to want to speak to me while they're naked. I'm not having a conversation with a naked man, put some clothes on and then I can tell you have a nice day.

So New York lost the Olympic bid to London today. Too bad half of New York probably didn't notice. If there was ever a city that is un-Olympic, it's New York. Not that it's a bad thing, but New York just has too much going on already. I mean when half of the city residents don't want it and the elected leaders don't see it fit to set aside funding for an Olympic Stadium, the writing is on the wall. What's sad though is that New York's bid was doomed from the jump and the previous structure of the United States Olympic Committee was too corrupt to see it. Had they've saw it, DC, San Francisco or Houston would've been representing the United States. Now, I don't think any American city would've won this time around because just in case you haven't noticed, the USA isn't the most popular country in the world right now. However, none of those other cities would've had less votes than Madrid, a city that had to hold sporting events without fans because entire stadiums would be chanting racial slurs at athletes of African descent. That is just sad.

The fourth of July was this past week and I just started thinking about some of the holidays we celebrate. As a black man in America, I have no f-in business celebrating that holiday. The Declaration of Independence didn't free us. All men may have been created equal, but, we weren't even whole men. We were 3/5 of a man. Sure, everybody loves the day off, I can fake on that. Do we really need to be going out and buying American themed outfits and watching the fireworks? Hell, even the country we were gaining our independence from outlawed slavery before America did.

Me and the misses are back together now and it feels good. We put each other through a lot and I'm so happy I can get through an entire conversation without getting upset with her. I think we both have a renewed spirit to be a better person for one another. I'm really looking forward to seeing our relationship grow.


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