Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Great Moments in Towson History pt. 4: My Favorite Greek Letter

Sigma. Why, because of the good fellas of the Towson University chapter of Phi Beta Sigma. Many of you reading this know I really don't fool with Greeks too tough, but let me explain.

Out of all the Greeks on Towson's campus, none of them threw parties like the Sigmas. There was the Player's Ball in the Fall and the Sigman Cabaret in the spring. Today, I'm going to talk about my first Sigma Cabaret experience.

I was a transfer student so I'd heard stories from how wild it was the year before. I heard about drunken fights, drunken women and drunken Josh walking all the way from the armory on York Rd. to his dorm room. I knew...KNEW I had to be there.

I was told I had to get G'd for the party so I went to moms and was like throw something togehter for me. Mom hooked me up with the taylor-made suit you understand...all I had to do was add the tie and the suspenders. Man...I had the GLOW when I put that on. Any of yall who saw The Last Dragon knows what I'm talking about.

Now, the Cabaret would've just been a normal party if were not for one thing. OPEN BAR and NO ID CHECK (curtisssss). I knew my one true goal for the night was to get FRIED. I had a designated driver so I could do that.

By the time I stepped in with Tim, Reggie, James, Mike G and the gang it was people ALREADY drunk. Not just a little drunk. They were carrying people out BEFORE 11. Food was on point...ladies were looking nice and I was getting-it-in at the bar. I remember somethings from that night, but other things are fuzzy.

I was so drunk and I knew it. So drunk that I walked up to Tim...shook my head...and dropped my keys in his hand. Then came the let-out. At which point I said things that ONLY the alcohol made me say.

I'm told there were a lot of "F that B...she wouldn't dance with me" coming out of my mouth...LOUDLY. Then people were driving wild in the parking lot at which point I stuck my head out of my window and said "Hit my car...BUY ME A NEW MAXIMA."

All in all, it was a classic evening. I had a ball and it's hard to believe that it was 5 years ago. Phi Beta Sigma is alright with me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow - you were able to remember what you wore to the Sigma Caberet?! You musta been doing better than me

9:19 PM

Blogger Shenell said...

OMG George!!! I was sooo there and I remember that night because Josh's drunk ass walked all the way back to tower C or was it A? Either way, that ish was the funniest night EVER!! PBS always has got down with the get down. Anyone who missed that party missed one of the best TU memories there are. Remember the Glenn the morning after? .....Oh the memories!

9:44 PM


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